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This collection explores the innocence, suffering, vulnerability and playfulness of those outside the margins - the LGBTQ+ community.

Through the glamour and the dirt, the successes, losses and ongoing oppression.  Our stories will be visible in our dress. 

Our clothes, our make-up, our stylised identities form integral to our being and navigating our existence within this world. 

The fabrics from which this collection are born are a reinterpretation of classic textiles including a modern jacquard, playfully hand-drawn checks and delicate vintage inspired wovens.  The bright neons of Robert Mapplethorpe's spray painted gay porn scarpbooks breathe new life into traditional mens knitwear pieces and other garments with edwardian influences.

Garments, Styling & Creative Direction: Hannah Buckingham

Photography: Max Weiss

Assistant: Sam Gallagher

MUA/Hair: Phoebe Brazier

Models: Finlay Burch, Julia Siekanska, Stuart Taylor, Vida Oskoee

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